Pferdeschlittenfahrt in Oberstdorf

When the mountains are at your feet ...

...your head is completely free. Not only in our house, but also in Oberstdorf and the surrounding area, you will feel so comfortable that you won't want to leave...

Herbst Panorama

A natural paradise on the doorstep

Everything you need to be happy is right on your doorstep: a village that radiates absolute tranquillity and where people live in harmony with cows, horses, sheep and feathered fowl.

Behind the village boundary you will find pure nature: such as the Hinanger waterfall, the natural swimming pool and Gaisalpsee, which bring refreshment on hot days. Hiking trails, cycling routes and cross-country skiing trails that get body and mind going. In short: four seasons, each with its own charm. And finally you can breathe healthy air again deeply.

Are your legs tingling?

Then up the mountain! Hiking trails over hill and dale, mountain bike trails for firm calves and several paraglider launch sites - there are so many possibilities in every direction that every mountain lover is guaranteed to find their own little paradise.

Not to forget: The countless alpine mountain tours and via ferrata, when the pulse can really go up - e.g. around the Nebelhorn.
In winter, the most snow-sure ski areas in Germany and popular ski touring terrain are just a few minutes away.

Wandern in den Oberstdorfer Bergen
Viehscheid in Schöllang

Where traditions are real and alive

Allgäu customs and crafts are lived passionately, especially in our village of Schöllang. There are many opportunities to experience this:

When the animals are driven from the Alps into the village for the Viehscheid. When the wild Klausen rumble through the village on St. Nicholas Eve. Or when the Funkenfeuer is lit in the cold night at the beginning of Lent. And of course everywhere where the music band and the traditional costume society with their platters and alphorn blowers cause great amazement.

Places to visit in bad weather


Haus am Rank GmbH & Co. KG
Schratt Family
Rubihornstraße 6
D-87561 Oberstdorf / Schöllang
Tel. +49 8326 291


The Allgäu mountains at the doorstep

The Haus am Rank is located on the sunny side of the southern valley. Our highlights are: Good accessibility of high-altitude skiing areas. In summer, mountain railways in the German-Austrian hiking region are free of charge.

Holiday flats in Oberstdorf in Allgäu

Family holidays with grandparents in a large holiday flat or a cosy apartment for two. Sauna or whirlpool grotto can be used privately, the breakfast buffet can be chosen flexibly... The perfect accommodation for groups and a holiday home for the discerning.


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